Seattle Branding Session: Wave Deodorant
Did you know I offer branding sessions? Erik and Christine met me at the studio last year to get some fun promo shots for Christine’s awesome new brand, Wave deodorant! It’s all natural and features a layered design that’s unlike any other natural deodorant.
Branding sessions are crucial if you’re a small business owner. In today’s online world, consistent content creation is key (say that 5 times fast) for building an engaged audience. Sometimes the demand for content can drive you kind of nuts as a small business owner. That’s where branding sessions come in. We can create dozens, if not hundreds, of elements to use for your blog, website, and social media posts. Having a library of pre-made content takes out so much of the headache of the constant “what should I post"?” question.

Ready to upgrade the content your small business uses online? Send me a message and we’ll start planning a branding session that will take your business to the next level!