Rialto Beach Proposal: Haley + Kayla
What a memorable day this was! Haley reached out to me about her plan to propose to her girlfriend Kayla. They had family in town enjoying the magic of the gorgeous Olympic National Rainforest and Haley knew it would be the perfect time to propose on the beach.
I wanted to look like a normal beach goer at Rialto, so I brought my dad along so I wouldn't just look like a solo stalker with a long lens camera like a random private eye. The day of the proposal, it happened to just pour cats and dogs. However, we were not giving up! Rain or shine, we were on a mission.
Originally, Haley had planned to propose near the sea stack known as Hole-in-the-Wall, but due to a wash out during the nasty weather time of year, she had to think of the fly and picked out an amazing sea stack we all had a great view for us all. Kayla was SO surprised when Haley got down on one knee as the waves crashed around them on a little tide pool sandbar. Kayla said yes, and family and friends all gathered around for hugs. We all strolled down the beach for a few more shots in the rain with umbrellas, then I packed up my father and headed out! I still have 6-7 random rocks from the beach rattling around in my car that remind me of this fun day every time I drive.